The Perfect Exercise To Stay With Toned And Strong Legs

Having strong and resistant legs is the desire of all those who practice physical exercise. In addition, having strong legs is also important for the health of the body, since the legs are responsible for sustaining the entire weight of the body and helping with blood circulation. Here is the perfect squat exercise for strong legs:

To perform the squat correctly, follow the steps below:

1. Stand up, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended in front of your body.

2. Keep your spine straight and look ahead.

3. Bend your knees and put your hips down, as if you were sitting in a chair.

4. Make sure that the knees are aligned with the toes and do not exceed the line of the toes.

5. Hold the position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.

6. Repeat the exercise for 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

To increase the intensity of the exercise, you can hold dumbbells or weights in your hands while performing the squat. You can also perform the squat on one leg, alternating the legs in each series.

  • Monday: 3 series of squats with moderate weight.

  • Tuesday: Rest.

  • Wednesday: 3 series of lightweight squats.

  • Thursday: Rest.

  • Friday: 3 series of heavy weight squats.

  • Saturday: Rest.

  • Sunday: 3 series of squat with moderate weight.


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