Physical Exercises That Cause More Pain

When it comes to physical exercise, we remember that pain is a warning sign of the body and that you should seek medical help if the pain is unbearable or affects your day-to-day life.

1. Weightlifting

Weightlifting is an extremely popular exercise in the gym, but it's also one of the most painful.

2. Running

The repetitive impact of your feet on the ground can lead to injuries in the knee, ankle, and foot. Additionally, running can overload the muscles in your legs and back.

3. Crossfit

Crossfit is a training modality that combines high-intensity exercises like weightlifting, running, jumping, and push-ups. The most common injuries in Crossfit are related to the spine, shoulders, and knees.

4. Pilates

Pilates can cause muscle pain, especially for those who are just starting to practice.

5. Yoga

Yoga can cause muscle pain, especially for those who are just starting to practice. The most common injuries in Yoga are related to the spine and shoulders.

All physical exercises have the potential to cause pain, but some are more likely than others. If you're starting a new physical activity, it's recommended that you start with low-impact exercises and gradually increase the intensity.


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