The best desert in the world with the most enviable beach in the world

Water and desert are two opposites. However, this characteristic is circumvented by the Maranhão sheets. This paradise of fine sand and the great courses of crystal clear water are one of the biggest attractions in Brazil due to its natural and unique beauty.

This oasis is in the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park. The various lagoons of crystal clear water are between the middle of these fine sand dunes, making this a unique paradise, something between the Sahara and the Maldives.

Located 250 kilometers from the city of São Luís in Maranhão, it is one of the sights to visit in Brazil. It is the largest dune park in the country in South America.

The region has two stations that are well defined. Between January and July, humidity prevails. Between August and December, the lagoons evaporate due to the severe drought that affects this paradise.

In addition to the crystal clear lagoons and dunes that can be up to 40 meters high, this place is home to some of the most unique animals in the world, such as the guarás, otters, catfish, seaboi and the pininga turtle.

The lagoons are formed at the end of May due to the rains. Some of them can be more than five meters deep and extend for more than one kilometer. The ponds disappear as the heat progresses, until they evaporate completely in November.


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