Mental Health: The 5 tips to stop thinking negatively

If your thoughts always go to the worst possible scenario, psychologist Julie Smith says what are the five tips to stop these thoughts that negatively affect our mental health.

  1. Look at these negative thoughts. If you can't notice these thoughts, you won't be able to get rid of them either.

  2. When you notice a negative thought, identify it. This is important, because you are recognizing that it is biased thinking, it is not a real fact about what will happen.

  3. Don't try not to think about a negative thought. By doing so, you are already automatically thinking about it. Instead, allow this negative thinking to be present only as another perspective.

  4. Change your focus. Anxiety is created by thoughts or ideas about the future. These thoughts are uncertain, just like life. Think about the present, focusing on something that exists now, such as an object or your breathing.

  5. Start having other perspectives in your life. You know that the worst can happen, but what could be the best thing that can happen to you?


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