15 curiosities about Dubai that will surprise you

Residents don’t pay taxes

Dubai's inhabitants do not make discounts for the state. Your salary is totally tax-free

They love gold

There are ATMs in Dubai that distribute gold bars. More than 25% of gold worldwide has passed directly through Dubai, which is considered the largest precious metal market.

Car plates are important

Enrollments in Dubai are precious. In 2008, a man spent more than 13 million dollars on a one-digit registration, the number 1.

Tallest building In the world

Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world with its 830 meters high. The building can be seen 95km from lonjura. It has 163 floors

The population doesn’t grow, it explodes

The city was inhabited by only 10,000 people in 1900. It currently has 4 million today

85% of the population is foreIgN

The majority of the population in Dubai is foreign. More than 50% of the population comes from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, since it was these peoples who immigrated to Dubai to build this magnificent infrastructure

Consume a lot of water

Dubai's inhabitants consume an average of 550 liters of water per day. The world average is around 170-300 liters per day. Everything is due to the warmer climate that requires greater use of water

The city of men

In Dubai there are 7 men for every three women

Camel races are very popular

Camel races are very popular in Dubai. Due to child exploitation, children are not allowed to ride the animals. These are assembled by robots built for this purpose

forbidden to eat on the subway

Being caught eating or drinking on the subway entitles you to a heavy fine

Police uses lUxury cars

Police in Dubai use high-cylinder and luxury cars. This is to give the appearance of a luxurious and beautiful city to the millions of tourists visiting the city. Ferrari, Lamborghini and Aston Martin are some of the favorite brands

Dancing and singing in public Is prohibited

Singing and dancing in public is prohibited. It is only allowed inside the discos, since this is considered disrespect and provocation

The sale and consumption of alcohol is restrictive

The sale and consumption of alcohol is restrictive in Dubai. Only tourists can drink and buy alcohol freely. Dubai residents can only drink alcohol in restaurants, bars and private spaces licensed for this purpose. There is no alcohol freely available in supermarkets

the only Arab country where saturday e sunday are weekends

In the United Arab Emirates, the weekend is Saturday and Sunday. This recent measure was related to the fact that the Arab country wants to get closer to Western economies. The weekend starts like this on Friday after lunch and lasts until the end of Sunday

ForbiddEn to kiss in public

Kissing in public is prohibited in Dubai. This simple act of love is considered sexually explicit and gives imprisonment


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