Get to know model, influencer and actor Alex Crockford better

Alex Crockford is an English-born model, influencer and actor. He was born on June 15, 1990 in Ashford, Middlesex and, today at the age of 32, is an authentic sensation on social networks around the world.

“I am a fitness model, personal trainer, creator of the CrockFit app. I went to University, Southampton Solent, and studied fitness and personal training.”, told Alex to Corgee, a Spanish website.

Alex started training when he was still 16 years old. The biggest dream? Being on the cover of a men's magazine dedicated to health and well-being. After achieving an enviable physique, the model entered many magazines, such as "Men's Fitness".

“I started as a personal trainer back in 2011 when I finished by degree. I progressed up the chain in a corporate gym to become a full booked PT and started to progress my journey into the fitness modelling world and social media.”

The love for the world of sport and healthy eating led Alex to create his own fitness application, CrockFit, which is already a worldwide success.

The model says it has always had “an interest in sports and fitness and that progressed into my enjoyment and passion in helping other people achieve the results I was getting in the gym and with my fitness”, thus leading him to want to help more people achieve the same goals he had achieved.

The launch of her CrockFit application, having got his first job as a model, his first photo in a health and wellness magazine and having made burpees for charity for 24 hours, were the proudest moments in Alex's life.

One of the things the model would most like to have would be to have the “CrockFit onto TV, taking a big transformation program on TV with ten clients, for exemple, and take them through and body and life transformation.”

One of the things Alex likes to do most when he has time, because for a personal trainer it is not easy to have a lot of time because there has to be a lot of dedication to his customers, is to be with his family, with his wife, walk, enjoy nature and watch movies.

“There is no success without sweat”, This is Alex's motto of life. Without effort and dedication, no matter how difficult things may seem, we never achieve our goals.


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