The best 21 exercises to lose weight and burn fat

Any man will tell you that the abs are made in the kitchen. Although the foods that are consumed dictate weight gain or loss, exercise is important to burn those excess calories.

But after all, what are the best exercises to lose weight and burn fat?

  1. Bar muscle-ups - Best for: strength | Challenge: high

  2. Pullups - Best for: strength | Challenge: medium

  3. Chinups - Best for: strength | Challenge: medium

  4. Burpees - Best for: strength and cardio | Challenge: medium

  5. Pushups - Best for: strength | Challenge: basic

  6. Lunge - Best for: strength | Challenge: basic

  7. Squat - Best for: strength | Challenge: basic

  8. Mountain climber - Best for: cardio | Challenge: basic

  9. Squat thrusts - Best for: cardio | Challenge: medium

  10. Bird-dogs - Best for: cardio | Challenge: basic

  11. High knees - Best for: cardio | Challenge: basic

  12. Drop squat - Best for: cardio | Challenge: medium

  13. 3-step lateral bound - Best for: cardio | Challenge: high

  14. Speed skaters - Best for: cardio | Challenge: medium

  15. V-Up - Best for: core | Challenge: medium

  16. Hollow hold to rock - Best for: core | Challenge: medium

  17. Glute/Quad-contracted plank - Best for: core | Challenge: medium

  18. Plank reach-under - Best for: core | Challenge: medium

  19. Side-plank - Best for: core | Challenge: medium

  20. Butterfly situp - Best for: core | Challenge: medium

  21. Bicycle crunches - Best for: core | Challenge: mediu


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