In Finland, the happiest country in the world, there are three things no one does

There are happy countries and peoples. They all have reasons for this generalised happiness. Countries that tend to be happier are colder, with less sun and luminosity than those that are less happy.

There are three things that these people do not do and this is an important factor for the happiness of Finns. The Sustainable Development Solutions Network publishes the World Happiness Report, which measures the degree of happiness of 150 countries.

The topics were studied and taken into account were: life expectancy, gross domestic product per capita, social support, generosity, freedom for each one to decide their life course, public opinion on corrupt practises, positive and negative aspects that can be observed.

The 2022 ranking is as follows:

  1. Finland

  2. Denmark

  3. Iceland

  4. Netherlands

  5. Luxembourg

  6. Sweden

  7. Israel

  8. New Zealand

Finland has been the happiest country in the world for five consecutive years and that says a lot about its people. But after all, what are the three things these people don't do?

  • They don't compare each other

Finns take this very seriously and do not like public demonstrations of wealth. Seeing the rich man catching a public bus is perfectly normal. Living with what you have is the best way to be happy.

  • They don't neglect nature

Almost 90% of Finns consider that nature gives them peace of mind, energy and relaxation. In Finland all workers are entitled to four weeks of summer vacation to enjoy in nature. Large Finnish cities usually have nature very close to the door of the house.

  • They don't break community trust

The Finns trust each other. If you lose your wallet or mobile phone, don't worry. It's normal for you to find your lost property again. Children also consume walking from public transport from school to home and playing outdoors without any kind of supervision.


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