The best sprint workouts to get faster, build muscle and lose weight

Most people do not run at their maximum speed, unless they are in imminent danger. "Practising running faster will make you faster," says Matt Nolan, a certified master instructor at Barry's Bootcamp in New York.

“They train the body to recruit and develop fast-twitch muscle fibres, build muscle and improve heart rate and overall caloric efficiency,” Nolan tells the Men’s Journal website.

1- Sprint training for beginners

1 minute of running

30-second sprint Repeat 6–8 times

Faster sprint training

3 x 10–12 sec. at 85% effort (or fast, but not total) at 8% slope 90 seconds of recovery, walking or running

5 x 10–12 sec. with 95% effort (as fast as possible) with 1% slope 90 seconds of recovery, walking or running

2- Hill sprint training

Run 1⁄3 of the hill at a fast pace, then run at an easy pace

Run 2⁄3 of the hill at a fast pace, then go down at an easy pace

Run to the hill at a fast pace, then go down at an easy pace Rest for 2 minutes.

4 x 20 seconds. Run to the hill followed by an easy run

3- Descending sprint training

3 x 600m or 90 sec. at 80% effort (or 2 mph below the maximum sprint pace) with a 2-minute recovery walk or run between sets

3 x 400m or 60 sec. at 90% effort (or 1 mph below the upper sprint pace) with a 90-second recovery walk or run between sets

3 x 200m or 30 sec. at 100% sprint speed with 1 minute of recovery walk or run between sets

4- Endurance sprint training

4 x 18–22 sec. at 85% effort at a slope of 8% 90 seconds of recovery, walking or running

4 x 18–22 seconds with 95% effort at 1% slope 90 seconds of recovery, walking or running

5- Energy sprint training

15 x 200m (or 1⁄8 mile) with a hard effort

Take a 200m recovery speed walk or run between sets

Pyramid-style sprint training

30-second sprint followed by 1-minute recovery walk or run

45-second sprint followed by 90-second recovery walk or run

1 minute of running followed by 2 minutes of recovery or running walking

Repeat 4 times


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