The text you should read, at the request of this bodybuilder, if you want to have a dream body

Fitness coach Alex Gibson is followed by many thousands on his social networks. The athlete distinguished as IFBB Pro in 2023 has helped many men along his journey to achieve a healthier life and give priority to well-being.

Alex Gibson shared a text that everyone should read if they want to have a dream body by next summer:

“You won't build muscle on your cut so take the time now to gain some body fat and build muscle if you aren't as big as you'd like and your body fat is somewhere in the range of 10-17%. If I had a dollar for every time someone says

"I'm going to build muscle and burn body fat at the same time" I wouldn't need to work. Instead, you need to work on growing and periodizing your training and nutrition. The lack of periodization in your routine is a major reason why your body isn't changing as fast as you'd like. Furthermore, muscle growth won't happen during your "summer shred" if you aren't a complete beginner in the gym or taking o sure, muscle definition while cutting might make you feel bigger but you had that muscle beneath layers of body fat while bulking.“, start by writing.

“You can't just wait until March or April to begin taking your fitness seriously if you want best results by summer. You need to focus now and build the habits/routines that will make your shred seemingly effortless. Shredding down, especially to a nice lifestyle leanness of 10-12% does not have to be a miserable process. If it is... your plan is flawed, your habits are not consistent enough, or a combination of both.”

“Your body is a direct reflection of your willingness to get uncomfortable. Body dysmorphia will be present (for most). Eating a lot of food is uncomfortable (for most). Eating not a lot of food is uncomfortable (for most). Training when you are dead tired is uncomfortable (for most). Doing cardio when you'd rather sit on the couch is uncomfortable (for most). Turning the TV off in exchange for getting more sleep is uncomfortable (for most). Show me a man or woman with an impressive physique and it's not rocket science that they are willing to put themselves in uncomfortable situations regularly.”

The fitness coach ends by saying: "You can make this a breakthrough year if you're willing to devote time to building muscle, raise your standard year-round, and get uncomfortable."


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