The difference between parfum, eau de parfum, eau de toilette and eau de cologne

Being with a great fragrance increases your mood and confidence. All men want to smell good and leave that feeling in the closest people.

In the market there are several types of perfumes for sale and people often confuse the meaning of parfum with the eau de parfum. The French are the masters in perfumery, by the way, they were the ones who invented them, but this is already part of French history. Currently there are several versions of what is a "perfume": parfum, eau de parfum, eau de toilette and eau de cologne.

The perfume has between 20-30% oil concentration and the aroma usually lasts up to eight hours. The most common category, however, is the eau de parfum. These are made between 15-20% oil concentration, with a maximum effect of five hours.

The most popular is the eau de toilette. These have a 5-15% oil concentration and a shelf life of two to three hours. Because they are cheaper, they have become much more popular. Eau de cologne is the one that has the lowest oil concentration, between 2-4%, and its shelf life is a maximum of two hours.


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