Spain Enforces Fines for Wearing Certain Clothing Items, Targeting British Tourists

Tourists, particularly from the UK, need to be aware of Spain’s strict clothing regulations this summer. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has warned that wearing bikinis, swimming shorts, or being bare-chested in public areas away from the beach is illegal in certain Spanish regions, such as on seafront promenades and adjacent streets. Offenders could face fines up to £500 (€592).

These regulations, partly targeting British tourists, aim to maintain public decorum. In Majorca, additional restrictions on football shirts and novelty outfits have been imposed to promote a respectful environment. Public drinking bans in Majorca and Ibiza can result in fines up to €3,000 for violations.

These measures reflect broader efforts by Spanish authorities to ensure a pleasant experience for all visitors. Majorca, despite these restrictions, remains a popular destination with plenty of attractions for tourists. To avoid penalties, travelers should familiarize themselves with local laws and adhere to them during their visit to Spain.


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