Larry Wheels Quits Bodybuilding, Labels It ‘A Massive Mistake,’ and Relapses on Steroids

Larry Wheels, a renowned strength athlete known for his feats in powerlifting and arm wrestling, recently announced his decision to quit bodybuilding. In a candid YouTube video, Wheels described bodybuilding as a “massive mistake,” driven more by business pressures than personal passion. He revealed that the rigorous demands of bodybuilding led him to relapse into full steroid use, which he had initially abandoned to protect his health and personal life.

Wheels’ journey into bodybuilding was marked by a desire to explore different avenues within strength sports. However, he found the intense focus on aesthetics and the competitive environment at odds with his interests and values. The health implications of sustained steroid use also played a significant role in his decision to step back. Wheels admitted that while steroids initially seemed beneficial for muscle gain and performance, their long-term effects were detrimental to his overall well-being.

Wheels’ decision underscores the complex relationship many athletes have with performance-enhancing drugs. Initially stopping steroids was a significant step for him, aiming to ensure a healthy future and a happy marriage. However, the pressures and demands of bodybuilding led to his relapse, prompting a reevaluation of his goals and priorities. He acknowledged that achieving a professional bodybuilding physique or a 1,000-pound deadlift would require further steroid use, which he is now unwilling to pursue.

By quitting bodybuilding, Wheels aims to prioritize his health and integrity, focusing on endeavors that align more closely with his passions and values. He plans to continue in powerlifting and arm wrestling, sports where he feels more authentic and less pressured to compromise his health. Wheels’ story is a poignant reminder of the importance of aligning personal goals with one’s well-being, and the often-hidden costs of high-level competitive sports.

Wheels’ candid reflections offer valuable insights into the pressures faced by athletes and the tough decisions they must make to balance ambition with health. His journey highlights the need for a supportive environment that prioritizes long-term health over short-term gains. As Wheels moves forward, his experience serves as a cautionary tale and an inspiration for athletes navigating similar challenges.


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