Henry Cavill's diet to be the "Superman"

Henry Cavill's muscles and chocolate bars were very jealous when he appeared in Superman. As you can imagine, the impressive dry and muscular body of our superhero is due to intense sports training and a symmetrical diet followed by a period of 11 months for the preparation of his role, followed by 6 months of dryness during filming.

British actor and born in 1983, Henry Cavill had to suffer many failures before playing the most lateral superhero on the planet. In fact, he applied for 3 characters in the early 2000s. Batman, Superman and James Bond. Unfortunately, it is not selected for any of the 3 functions. This will give you the nickname of the most unlucky man in Hollywood. It was only 13 years later, after many cinematic experiences, that he finally played Superman

The mass gain of Henry Cavill, also known as Superman, did not occur in a few days. In fact, it took almost 17 months of preparation. In addition, for best results, sessions with moderate loads were alternated with others with heavy loads. The exercises of his crossfit training combined high-intensity movements with a strength and speed program.

Here's what the typical daily menu of a dry Superman was composed of:

  • Breakfast: 5 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1⁄2 cup oatmeal, 1 apple + multivitamins / fish oil (omega 3)

  • Morning snack: Tuna in 2 slices of pita, 1 banana

  • Lunch: Brown rice, chicken, salad and diced tomatoes or green vegetables

  • Afternoon snack: 1 protein shake and a fruit

  • Dinner: Low-fat cottage cheese + almonds

Henry Cavill consumed multivitamins and omega 3, as well as whey protein in some of his snacks.

Dietary supplements can be a good help for muscle mass gain. However, for best results, it is imperative to consume them in addition to a balanced diet and not as a substitute for it.


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