It Is Important To Speak If You Have Suicidal Thoughts

Every day, 10 out of every 100,000 people put an end to life, according to the latest data from the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics. Many of these deaths can and should be avoided. In the country alone, 3 out of 4 people have never consulted with a mental health specialist.

Usually suicide has a mental disorder behind it, particularly depression. If it is detected in time, it is possible to treat depression and thus prevent suicide. It is important that people seek help before they have committed this.

Life can sometimes be very hard, present challenges that are almost impossible to overcome, problems that take us out of our comfort zone. The loss of someone very close as a friend or family member can also leave us groundless, without understanding our place in the vastness of this universe. Life presents the challenges, so that we can overcome them. We often manage to do it ourselves, other times we need help. Seek medical help when you feel that something is not right, when you feel strange or that you think it was your fault for something that happened. A mental health expert will help and guide you out of this darkness. Seek help, avoid another death.

The NHS website provides several contacts, whether by phone or SMS. Seek help and don't get lost. Life is important.


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