Are Gluten-free Products Healthier?

Gluten-free foods are not in themselves healthier than gluten-containing versions. A food, although it does not contain gluten in its composition, does not necessarily mean that it will be a healthier food. And why? Because most gluten-free foods in their composition have higher levels of sugar and fat than conventional gluten-containing products.

So, when should you choose to eat gluten-free products? Only when you have celiac disease. People who suffer from this disease are gluten intolerant, because it causes inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. If you detect that consuming foods with gluten cause you intestinal discomfort, you should opt for gluten-free products, or consult a specialist.

These products also tend to be more expensive than similar ones with gluten. If you are not gluten intolerant and want to save your wallet, the best option is to leave out these foods for those who really need it.


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