Fall asleep faster with these worries-relieving tricks

You are very tired, yawn and your eyes are almost wanting to close. However, as soon as you unsleep and lie in bed, your mind is flooded with a thousand and one worries, making sleep almost impossible.

You don't need to be worried. At bedtime it is important to try to relax as much as possible and for this there are several techniques, according to sleep expert Rebecca Robbins of Harvard Medical School.

1- Controlled deep breathing

Controlled deep breathing is scientifically proven to calm the body and mind, and can be easily done before bedtime or when you wake up in the middle of the night.

Changing the rhythm of breathing slows down the heart rate, reduces blood pressure and stimulates the body's parasympathetic system, which can ward off worry and anxiety.

As you breathe slower, follow the breath and the sounds caused by this relaxation. Your focus will be only on the air that enters, the movements of your body and the exit of the air.

2- Meditation

It is more than proven that meditation helps to calm the body and mind. Several studies show that it can help perfectionists stop judging themselves and can help in the treatment of smoking, pain, additive disorders and depression, among other problems.

3- Imagination

Imagine that you are in a beautiful, calm and quiet place, full of specific colours and sounds. Doing this will help you ward off negative thoughts faster. If you have difficulty, try asking yourself questions, such as: "What smell is this?", "Do I feel the heat of the sun on my skin?".

4- Muscle relaxation

Most people don't know the effort that the muscles make throughout the day. Accumulated tension causes back and headaches.

Start by squeezing your muscles, starting from your head to your feet, so that you don't cause pain or cramps. As you tighten, control your breathing. One of the advantages of this exercise is that it leaves no room for negative thoughts in your brain.

5- Set a time for your concerns

Try to list everything that torments you at a specific time of your day and try to deal with all these problems. You don't want to take them to bed.

You can even write what you want to do tomorrow and what are the things that worry you, thus trying to leave your mind free of negative thoughts.


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