The 5 ways to kill your motivation, by Alex Crockford

We all know that motivation is something important in our lives. Everything we do has a purpose and if we can do it motivated, things will go better, we will achieve our goals faster, we will have a clear vision of everything around us, that is, life seems to be simpler than it is.

Thinking about it, fitness model and athlete Alex Crockford says what are the five ways to kill motivation and how to avoid it.

1 - Trying to achieve results as FAST AS POSSIBLE

This is usually an unsustainable approach and leads to quitting. Instead, go about this process with patience and sustainability for long term success.

2 - Trying to be PERFECT

Aiming to be perfect will eventually result in you 'messing up' and losing motivation when you do. Instead, whilst being disciplined, also aim for a balanced approach so that when you miss a workout or eat some junk food you don't quit and lose motivation

3 - Not following a PLAN

Not knowing what to do each day is a great way to over think the process, waste time thinking about what to do, and an easy way to make excuses. Instead, follow a plan to create structure & order. Take the thinking out and increase motivation.

4 - Being ENVIOUS of other's progress

Feeling negative about somebody else's fitness journey is a way to feel very unmotivated about yours. Instead, Use others as positive inspiration, accountability and support, knowing that we are all on our own individual journey.

5 - Not thinking about your whole LIFESTYLE

Trying to workout whilst eating crap food, staying up late, smoking, drinking, being stressed is a great way to kill your motivation. Instead, align all aspects of your lifestyle so that you feel the benefits of your fitness and journey

Written by Men's Fitness & Sports / Alex Crockford


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