Practicing sex regularly: the natural remedy for many problems and diseases

Regularly practicing sex is very good for your health. Several scientific studies bought all the benefits that sex brings to our lives: it fights stress, pain and insomnia, is good for the skin, improves self-esteem and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Sex increases cardiac activity, which is very beneficial for the arteries and the heart. During sex, several hormones are released, including endorphin, the largest analgesic in our body. Sex also promotes muscle relaxation, helping to combat persistent insomnia.

It is proven by science: those who regularly have more sex are happier. In addition to being beneficial, sex is an authentic medicinal bomb thus combating the appearance of various pathologies.

A man who does not have much sex or who does not ejaculate frequently, has more chances of contracting prostate cancer, indicates a study by European Urology. Sex reduces the appearance of prostate cancer by 20%. Men who ejaculated 21 or more times for a month drastically reduced the likelihood of developing this type of cancer. Sex is part of the human being as a living being.

Regularly practicing sex undoubtedly helps to be healthier, so you already know what to do to improve your health. The so-called sex addicts do not exist. Each person must satisfy their needs in the most varied ways, as long as they feel good and happy.


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