The gastronomic delight of the Canary Islands is to cry for more

The Canary Islands are a Spanish natural paradise. Despite the adverse natural conditions, it manages to offer indigenous products of excellent quality. In addition to gastronomy, the landscapes of the Canary Islands are breathtaking.

We elaborate here the delights of the Canary Islands, because you will really have to travel there to try:

1- Volcanic wines

Volcanic wines are the soul of these islands. Its freshness and salty flavor delight visitors.

2- Cradle of goat cheese

These islands are the cradle of the award-winning Majorero goat cheese. Made directly from freshly ordered milk, it is possible to notice its creamy texture, with touches of caramel and coffee.

3- The famous Canarian bananas

The Canarian bananas are the most consumed type of banana in all of Europe. Harvested by hand without any type of machinery and sent in the maturation phase, these bananas are 'queens' in front of ordinary Caribbean bananas.


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