The toned body that everyone wants. Do Lazar Angelov's training routine

Lazar Angelov is a professional bodybuilder from Bulgaria. He started in professional basketball, moved to the army, and from the army to bodybuilding. He gained worldwide recognition for having reached one of the most enviable physicists in the world.

Monday: Chest/Abs

1. Flat Bench (4×8 reps)

2. Incline Bench (4×8 reps)

3. Decline Bench (4×8 reps)

4. Pullover (4×8 reps)

5. Hammer Press (3×8 reps)

6. Dips (3x failure)

7. Weighted Sit Up (4x failure)

8. Hanging Leg Raise- (4x failure)

9. Side Bends (4x failure)

Tuesday: Back/Triceps

1. Bent Over Row (4×8 reps)

2. Deadlift (4×8 reps)

3. Pulldowns (4×8 reps)

4. Pull Ups (4×8 reps)

5. Cable Row (4×8 reps)

6. Shrugs (6×10 reps)

Wednesday: Delts/Forearms/Abs

1. Military Press Behind The Neck (3×8 reps)

2. Machine Press (4×8 reps)

3. Lateral Raises (4×8 reps)

4. Weight Plate Front Raises (4×10 reps)

5. Dumbbell Front Raises (4×8 reps)

6. Reverse Pec Deck (4×10 reps)

7. Reverse Fly’s (on incline bench) (4×8 reps)

8. Weighted Sit Ups (4x failure)

9. Hanging Leg Raises (4x failure)

10. Side Bends (4x failure)

11. Side Crunches (4x failure)

12. Wrist Curl Behind Back (4x failure)

13. Reverse Wrist Curl Over Bench (4x failure)

Thursday: Triceps/Biceps

1. Close Grip Bench Press (4×8 reps)

2. Pushdowns (4×8 reps)

3. EZ Bar Skull Crushers (4×10 reps)

4. Cable Kickbacks (4×8 reps)

5. EZ Bar Curls (4×8 reps)

6. Wide Grip Curls (4×8 reps)

7. Hammer Curls 4×8 (each hand)

8. Concentration Curls (4×8 reps)

Friday: Legs/Abs

1. Squats (4×12 reps)

2. Squat (to a bench) (4×12 reps)

3. Bulgarian Squat (4×12 reps)

4. Quad Extensions (4×16 reps)

5. Stiff Leg Deadlift (4×12 reps)

6. Leg Curls (4×16 reps)

7. Glute Kickbacks (4×20 reps)

8. Calf Machine Raises (4×20 reps)

9. Seated Calf Raises (4×20 reps)

10. Leg Press Calf Raises (4×20 reps)

11. Weighted Sit-up (4x failure)

12. Air Bike (4x failure)

13. Side Bends (4x failure)

14. Barbell Twists (4x failure)

Saturday & Sunday: Rest


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