Work 20 years in the same company and higher positions? Not what young people are looking for

Today's young people don't want to have a lot of work and don't want to have high positions in companies. So what motivates them to live life? They are looking for more free time to do what they like the most and want there to be more diversity.

The generation of people born between 1997 and 2012, which may be more extensible than this interval, feels overwhelmed with trauma and uncertainties. Faced with these traumas and uncertainties, young people respond with pessimism and activism.

Young people around the world were interviewed in The Walk Street Journal's bestseller The Unspoken Rules and everyone's goal was very similar: to have more money, financial stability, balance between personal and professional life, to be their own bosses and to have a positive impact on others. Less than 2% of respondents want to move up their career.

Young people do not like telework, preferring to deal directly with things and people. For them, the perfect is the so-called hybrid work, the one that allows you to deal with subjects through online communications, but to deal with other subjects in person. There is a diversity in how things can be treated is what motivates them and makes them want to learn more. This generation is much more likely to change jobs when they see that what motivates them no longer makes sense.


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