Vape Has Emerged As A Healthier Alternative To Tobacco, But Can Cause Loss Of Taste

Vape devices have become very popularised in recent years as an apparently safer alternative to traditional smoking. However, there is a phenomenon with the name of "vape tongue" that is growing strongly, especially in those who use these devices to smoke. The "vape tongue" is a medical condition in which the patient cannot have access to his taste completely or even lack it.

The "vape tongue" serves to describe the temporary or prolonged loss of taste in users of vape devices. Symptoms include difficulty in savouring food, decreased sensitivity to taste and the feeling of a metallic taste in the mouth. Although this feeling is temporary, it can affect the health of its users.

Although there are still no major studies on the "vape tongue", it is believed that the chemical compounds present in vape products, such as nicotine and other additives, can interfere with the functioning of the taste buds, which are responsible for the taste of food. In addition, the heat that these devices generate can negatively affect the taste buds.

Prolonged use of vape devices can lead to other serious consequences, such as decreased saliva production. Saliva plays an important role in the health of our mouth, as it protects the teeth from caries and gums from gum disease.

The best way to prevent the "vape tongue" is not to use this type of devices. For those who use this type of device, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene, brushing your teeth daily, flossing and consulting your average dentist regularly. Proper hydration and a balanced diet can also help maintain good oral health.


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