The perfect cocktail to celebrate New Year’s Eve with friends

Do you want to celebrate with your family or friends the entry into the new year? This punch full of great ingredients will leave you delighted.


  • Ice q.b.

  • 4 cups of apple cider

  • 1 bottle (750 ml) of Prosecco

  • 1 can of ginger beer

  • 1 1/2 cup of unsweetened crannese

  • 1 1/2 cup of vodka

  • 1 apple, of any kind, cut into slices

  • 1 orange cut into slices

  • 1 cup of fresh cranbeans and more to serve

  • Cinnamon sticks to serve

Method of preparation:

1- First, in a large jug full of ice, mix the apple cider, Prosecco, ginger beer, crange juice and vodka. Then add the apple, orange and crans and stir to match.

2- Divide the punch by the glasses. Decorate with some crandos and a cinnamon stick.


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