The most effective exercise to target visceral belly fat

Visceral fat, also known as intra-abdominal fat, represents a serious health risk due to its deep location in the abdominal cavity, thus involving vital organs. Unlike skin fat, visceral fat is associated with several chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer.

You may think that resistance exercises are good for reducing visceral fat, but you are wrong. This type of training is good for fat in general, not to significantly impact visceral fat levels. Aerobic exercise, especially high-speed interval training (HIIT), has shown promising results in combating this type of fat.

The key is to do short periods of high-intensity cardio instead of long-endurance runs. Running in sprint at maximum effort for brief moments, followed by appropriate periods of recovery, proved to be more effective.

Thomas DeLauer recommends integrating resistance training strategically alongside HIIT sessions for optimized visceral fat reduction. For a more comprehensive understanding of these strategies, watch the video.

By implementing these targeted exercises, individuals can more effectively combat visceral fat in the belly and improve overall health results.


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