The Intense Workout Routine of AEW Star Brian Cage

Brian Cage, known as “The Machine” in All Elite Wrestling (AEW), has one of the most impressive physiques in professional wrestling today. His workout regimen is a testament to his dedication to maintaining his powerful and athletic build. Here’s an in-depth look at how Cage achieves and maintains his muscular frame.

Daily Workout Routine

Chest Workout:

Brian Cage’s chest workouts are legendary for their intensity and volume. A typical session might include exercises such as cable crossovers, incline presses, and a series of monster sets aimed at maximizing muscle fatigue and growth. One of his well-known routines, dubbed “Chest Annihilation,” involves pre-exhaustion techniques and high-volume sets to ensure a deep muscle pump and thorough workout

Upper Body Workout:

Cage’s upper body workouts are equally grueling. They often begin with shoulder exercises, like military presses, followed by arm workouts, and conclude with a comprehensive chest routine. This approach ensures that all major muscle groups in the upper body are engaged and pushed to their limits. The workouts are designed to shock the muscles, promoting growth and strength

Diet and Nutrition:

To support his intense workout regimen, Brian Cage follows a strict diet plan. He consumes around 4,000 calories per day, focusing on high protein intake to fuel muscle growth and recovery. His daily diet includes up to two dozen eggs, significant amounts of chicken and ground beef, and various other protein-rich foods. Cage emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between high protein intake and proper hydration to sustain his muscular build.

Cardio and Conditioning:

In addition to weight training, Cage incorporates cardio and conditioning exercises into his routine. This often includes sessions on the stair master or other high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to maintain cardiovascular health and ensure overall fitness. These sessions typically last around 40 minutes, providing a comprehensive workout that enhances both strength and endurance.


Cage supplements his diet with various products to ensure he gets all the necessary nutrients. This includes protein shakes, amino acids, and vitamins that support muscle recovery and growth. His supplement stack is designed to optimize performance and aid in recovery, which is crucial given the intensity of his training regimen.


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