The best pre-workout snacks to keep you going at the gym

Struggling to keep up your energy levels during intense gym sessions? It might be time to rethink your pre-workout snacks. When it comes to gearing up for a workout, what you eat before hitting the gym can make a significant difference in your performance.

Derek Lipton, R.D., advises focusing on quick-digesting sources as you approach your workout to prevent cramping. Opting for simple carbs is recommended since they pass through the stomach faster compared to protein, fat, and fiber. Lipton suggests adding some protein if your workout is more than an hour away to help stabilize energy release. However, foods high in fat and fiber should be consumed at least three hours before exercising.

The ideal pre-workout snack varies based on individual responses to different foods, explains Jordyn Wallerius, R.D.N. For instance, while some individuals may benefit from pre-workout meals including sweet potatoes and whole-grain bread with veggies, others might require higher protein content. Similarly, some may find low-fat milk effective, whereas others may thrive with whole milk.

In need of some snack ideas? Here are a few suggestions depending on how far out your workout is:

Snack Options:

1. 15-30 Minutes Before Workout:

  • Energy drinks

  • Dry cereal

2. 30-60 Minutes Before Workout:

  • Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Should You Eat Before a Workout? When it comes to fueling your body before a workout, questions often arise about the consumption of fats, proteins, and the timing of meals. Let's break it down:

Should You Eat Fat Before a Workout?

The idea of consuming fats before a workout, especially popular among followers of the Keto diet, may not be the best approach. High-fat intake before exercising can impose a heavier workload on your body to break down the fats, leading to potential gastrointestinal issues. It's advisable to avoid heavy fatty snacks right before a workout.

Should You Eat Protein Before a Workout?

While carbohydrates take the spotlight as the essential pre-workout nutrient, incorporating a moderate amount of protein into your pre-workout snack can be beneficial. Rather than focusing on consuming protein immediately before or after a workout, experts suggest meeting your overall daily protein goals consistently.

How Soon Should You Eat Before a Workout?

Ideally, consuming a balanced meal approximately three hours before your workout is recommended. This timeframe allows your body enough time to digest and process the nutrients efficiently. Remember, during exercise, your muscles require more blood flow, diverting it from the digestive processes.

If time is limited, opt for lighter options like crackers or a banana for quick energy. With a bit more time to spare, consider snacks containing protein and healthy fats such as yogurt, cheese, or a protein bar.

How Much Should You Eat Before a Workout?

The amount of food you consume before a workout is subjective, but here are some general guidelines to consider based on timing:

  • One hour before: Consume one gram of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight.

  • Two hours before: Consume two grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight.

  • Three hours before: Consume three grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight.

Remember, individual nutritional needs can vary, so it's essential to listen to your body and adjust your pre-workout nutrition accordingly.

Do you have to eat before a workout?

No, it is not necessary to eat before a workout. It is essential to listen to your body and understand its needs. The goal is to avoid feeling hungry during your exercise routine, whether it's a high-intensity CrossFit session or a swim. However, it is crucial not to overdo it. If you are already following a specific diet plan, consider that when choosing whether to have a pre-workout snack and opt for something lighter if needed.

Here are some quick snack ideas if you decide to eat less than 60 minutes before your workout:

  • Banana with peanut butter

  • Cereal and milk

  • Packet of oatmeal made with milk

  • Chocolate milk and banana

  • Chocolate milk and granola bar

  • Half a bagel or frozen waffle

  • Handful of pretzels

  • Sports drink

  • Applesauce or dried fruit

  • Banana

Pre-Workout Snacks for Fueling 2-3 Hours Before Exercise:

When your workout is a few hours away, choosing the right pre-workout snack can help fuel your body for optimal performance. Here are some delicious and nutritious options to consider:

  • Peanut Butter Banana Honey Sandwich:

Spread 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on two slices of whole grain bread. Top with sliced banana and a drizzle of honey.

  • Fruit Parfait:

Enjoy 1 cup of Greek yogurt topped with a small handful of nuts and 1 cup of berries. This combination provides protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

  • Fruit Smoothie:

Blend together 1 scoop of chocolate whey protein, 1 banana, 1 cup of milk or water, a large handful of spinach, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and ice for a refreshing and nutritious pre-workout drink.

  • Cinnamon Banana Overnight Oats:

Mix 1/2 cup of oats with 1 cup of high-protein milk in a jar. Let it soak overnight in the fridge, then top with sliced banana, raisins, and cinnamon.

  • 1/2 Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with Milk:

Enjoy half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of Fairlife milk for added protein.

  • Cottage Cheese with Pineapple and Crackers:

Combine cottage cheese with fresh or canned pineapple and whole grain crackers for a balanced snack.

  • Oatmeal Pancakes with Bananas and Peanut Butter:

Blend half a banana, half a cup of oats, half a cup of milk, salt, vanilla, and cinnamon to make batter. Cook as regular pancakes and top with the remaining banana and peanut butter.

  • Balanced Avocado Toast:

Spread a quarter of a ripe avocado on a whole grain wrap, top with four egg whites and greens for a satisfying and nutritious pre-workout option.e-workout option.e-workout option.

Quinoa Salad with Chickpeas and Roasted Beets

For a nutritious and filling snack, consider whipping up a quinoa salad with chickpeas and roasted beets. Simply combine these ingredients with lemon juice, olive oil, fresh herbs, and a pinch of salt for an added electrolyte boost. Beets, rich in nitrates, have been known to improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles, ultimately boosting endurance and performance.

Grilled Chicken Salad with Quinoa:
Swap chickpeas for grilled chicken if you're looking to up your protein intake. This balanced snack combines protein from the chicken, fiber-rich complex carbohydrates from quinoa, and antioxidants from vegetables, making it an ideal pre-workout choice to fuel your body.

Greek Yogurt with Granola:
Combine 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup of granola and a handful of berries for a quick and satisfying snack. This mix provides a good balance of protein, carbohydrates, and nutrients to keep you energized throughout your workout.

PB&J Sandwich:
Keep it simple yet classic with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Spread two to three tablespoons each of peanut butter and jelly on two pieces of bread for a tasty and quick snack option that never goes out of style.

Whether you're looking for a light bite or a more substantial option, these snack ideas cater to different tastes and preferences, offering a mix of essential nutrients to support your fitness goals. Remember, what you eat before a workout can make a significant difference in your performance and overall well-being. So, fuel up smartly and crush your fitness routine with these delicious snack suggestions!!!


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