Do women find male body hair attractive?

If there are women who really like the hair on a man's chest, there are others who like to see everything smooth from head to toe. This can leave a man very confused at the time of greater intimacy with a woman. After all, what do women like: with or without hair?

The Men's Journal website interviewed more than 100 women and the results could not be clearer: 73% of women like a man with hair, while 27% prefer not to see hair. However, there is a dominator in common. Although most people like hair, there has to be moderation.

These will have been the reactions of most women who prefer a man with hair:

  • "Not in my men looking like gorillas, but also not in them looking like naked mole rats, so I'm going with a temporary yes."

  • "I don't care, as long as he just shaves down there. As if he shaved legs or arms or anything else, fuck no."

  • "I'm practically in the mood for anything, except hair on my back. Or like, aggressive pubes. They should take care of it."

  • "I don't eat carpet, but at the same time I don't like it when you look like Peter Pan."

  • "Yes, but if we go camping, and he can be mistaken for a bear, then we have a problem."


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