Running Or Walking: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight?

We can often consider what will be best for losing weight, whether it will be running or going for walks. To try to unravel this, we sought the experience and expertise of coach Alex Carneiro on this subject. Here are his conclusions:

“Calorie Burn: Running burns more calories per minute than walking due to the higher intensity. However, the total calorie burn depends on various factors like duration, speed, and individual fitness levels", begins by referring.

“Time & Efficiency: If time is limited, running can help you burn more calories in a shorter duration. Walking, on the other hand, is a sustainable option for longer workouts without excessive fatigue”.

"Cardiovascular Benefits: Both running and walking offer cardiovascular benefits. Running at a higher intensity increases heart rate, enhancing cardiovascular fitness. Walking is a low-impact exercise that still improves heart health”.

“Joint Impact: Running is a high-impact activity that puts more stress on your joints. If you have joint issues or are starting from scratch, walking is a safer and more accessible option. As you progress, you can gradually introduce running intervals”.

“Fat Burning: While running burns more calories, the body primarily uses carbohydrates as fuel during high-intensity exercise. Walking at a moderate pace taps into fat stores, making it an effective fat-burning activity,” he continues.

“Finding Your Balance: The best approach is to find a balance that works for you. Consider your fitness level, time availability, and personal preferences. You can incorporate both running and walking into your routine, gradually increasing intensity over time," he says.

“Remember, weight loss is not solely determined by running or walking alone. It's influenced by overall energy balance, including nutrition and other forms of exercise. Choose the activity that you enjoy and can sustain long-term for the best results," concludes Alex Carneiro, in a publication made by him on a social network.


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