Rest Periods And Muscle Growth: Short VS. Long

In the world of fitness there has always been a debate about rest periods ideas between series to maximise muscle growth. For a long time it was believed that short rest periods were ideas to stimulate the production of hormones responsible for muscle growth. More recent research suggests exactly the opposite of what had been done so far.

A study was conducted to try to reach a conclusion in the middle of this doubt. They gathered a group of participants for the study and were divided into two groups: one group rested three minutes between sets, while the other rested only one minute. The results of the study were shocking. In addition to the longer rest periods having been better for strength gain, the results also showed greater muscle growth.

Although not all studies have had the same conclusions, most studies have shown that rest between sets for longer periods of time are more beneficial for both increased strength and muscle growth, because when resting longer, it is possible to train with heavier weights, which stimulates muscle growth even more.

If you are a bodybuilder, we recommend that weight lifting be done between longer rest periods, this is to want to use very heavy weights. If you want to build muscle mass, you can either use longer periods of rest or shorter periods of rest, depending on whether you want to lift more heavy weights or if you are in a hurry to finish physical exercise to escape from the gym.


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