5 Reasons Why Pistachios Are The Ideal Snack For Athletes

Under the shell is a real nucleus of power. Pistachios are full of good nutrients, such as abundant proteins, healthy fats, many vitamins and many minerals and trace elements, which make them a perfect and ideal snack. Pistachios are not nuts, but drupes.

1- They help the nervous system

Nuts are considered a great food for our nervous system. Although pistachios are not nuts, they can compete with nuts, at least in nutritional values. Pistachios are rich in vitamins B1 and B6, which are necessary for communication between nerves and muscles, help in the regeneration of the nervous system and the formation of messenger substances, such as the happiness hormone serotonin. Before you lose your mind, eat some pistachios.

2- Help with weight loss

According to the Institute of Human Nutrition of the University of Los Angeles, pistachios help and stimulate weight loss. This is due to the high content of proteins and fiber, which ensures a lasting feeling of satiety.

3- They help you sleep better

Sleeping is at the top of the list, essentially if you are going to sleep to rest and relax. The responsible for quality sleep is melatonin, which controls the body's natural day-night rhythm. 62 pistachios offer about 1 milligram of melatonin, which makes them perfect before going to sleep.

4- Help regulate blood sugar

Blood sugar levels should be controlled, not only because of diabetes. If you are trying to lose weight, it is necessary to control the sugars. The glycemic level can have peaks and falls, making you feel bad. pistachios are great foods to provide you with a constant balance of energy.

5- They help the intestinal flora

The intestine is the second brain of our body. Several studios have already shown that intestinal health affects the health of the entire body. Having the intestines working properly is a very important prerequisite in our health.


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