The 10 New Year's resolutions you should follow for your well-being

How many times have you told yourself that this would be the year that would comply with this or that resolution and the year ended without materializing it? Well, these are the 10 resolutions you should follow and implement to be healthier and fit.

  1. Participate in a race or marathon

  2. Prepare your meals

  3. Don't just work a few muscles

  4. Meditate 10 minutes a day

  5. Find a responsible friend

  6. Make a board for 30 seconds every day

  7. Dedicate 15 minutes a day and 4 times a week to small physical exercises

  8. Write everything that goes into your mind every day

  9. Sleep between 7 and 8 hours every day

  10. Do 5 minutes of burpees every day


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