Fitness World In Shock With The Premature Death Of Bodybuilder Jo Linder

On July 1, 2023, the entire fitness community was shaken by the sad news of the death of bodybuilder Jo Linder, better known as Joesthetics. At the age of 30, Jo was an important, inspiring and influential figure in the fitness world, with a large fan base due to his achievements in the bodybuilding world. His death left a gap in the fitness world, leaving the entire community dismayed.

The German had predicted his death weeks before through his death. His departure left a void in the fitness world, but also raised mental health problems and the search for emotional support. In the fitness world, where there is a lot of pressure and expectations can be very intense, it is important that athletes have access to support and counselling resources. Mental health is very important, especially in the fitness world.

Foram muitas as reações de vários atletas no mundo do fitness:

“Rest in peace Jo

I still keep checking my phone waiting for your reply so we can meet at the gym.

I'm broken bro, you opened your arms up to us, you showed us so much about life and social media. Your generosity towards myself and others will forever stay with me

After you got back was the happiest I had seen you, there was a sparkle in your eyes, a flame reignited within you, I still dont believe this is true because you still had so much to do and go for

You made one huge impact in the world bro and you will never be forgotten. The legacy you created will live on forever and people will be inspired for years to come

I just dont know what to say anymore It hurts to know you're gone forever man

I love you bro, rest easy”

Bodybuilder Noel Deyzel

“Jo, you were one of the nicest most genuine guys l've ever met. I'm honored to have known you. Still can't believe it.. I hope you rest easy man.”

Bodybuilder Julian Smith

“Had the pleasure of sitting down with you and learning a ton about you... just three weeks ago. You were one of the most sincere creators I had ever met. The world is going to miss you brother!

Life is incredibly short and unpredictable. Please take more time to share love. Take more time to tell those people in your life that you LOVE them. Life is truly a gift. REST IN PEACE JO.”

Bodybuilder Bradley Martyn


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