Burnout is not just a mental illness. It affects anyone with devastating effects

Which syndrome is mainly affecting celebrities, which leads to the cancellation of concerts and tours, but which can attack anyone? It is called burnout and the designation of this disease has existed since the 70s. The impact of the pandemic on mental health revealed a syndrome that is still taboo in society.

But what are the symptoms? The person feels anxious, tired and with little desire to work. According to data released by Forbes, more than 70% of the working population had a burnout. Why does it happen? It is the body's response to chronic stress, in a situation in which the person does not have strategies to deal with it.

What signs should you be aware of? At the physical level you can experience tachycardia, shortness of breath, dizziness, altered sleep, appetite, extreme tiredness, sadness, apathy, among others.

Why can it affect anyone? Low professional fulfilment, discontent and demotivation lead to the perception of loss of meaning and interest in life itself. It is normal that the person may want to isolate himself and want to stop doing the things he likes so much, because emotional exhaustion is overwhelming. It is important that at the first signs seek medical help.

How to deal with the disease? Practising healthy health habits and physical exercise help fight this syndrome. For those who suffer from burnout, these are the greatest tools to help get out of this emotional exhaustion.


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