LeBron James’ Training Routine: A Training Guide

LeBron James is one of the best known athletes in the world of sports and this is undeniable. To be able to reach this level and stay in the best possible shape, the athlete had to follow a training routine, which you can also try to follow.

Monday: Strength and endurance training

  • Incline dumbbell bench press (3 sets of 10)

  • Wide grip lateral pulldowns (3 sets of 10)

  • One arm military press (3 sets of 10)

  • One arm dumbbell rows (3 sets of 10)

  • Barbell curl and skull crusher superset (3 sets of 10 reps for each exercise)

Tuesday: Agility and speed training

The athlete performs sprints, change of direction exercises, jumps and jumps to improve his agility on the field. Agility training includes cones, obstacles and coordination exercises to improve your mobility and rapid response on the field.

Wednesday: HIIT exercises

  • Pull-ups (3 sets of 10)

  • Bicep Curls (4 sets of 12)

  • Chin-ups (3 sets of 15)

  • Bent-over barbell rows (4 sets of 12)

  • Wide grip pull-ups (3 sets of 10)

Thursday: Resistance training

  • Pull-ups (3 sets of 10)

  • Dumbbell bench press (3 sets of 10)

  • Single-arm cable rows (3 sets of 10)

  • Cable Flyes (3 sets of 10)

  • Single-arm overhead press (3 sets of 8)

  • Leg curls (3 sets of 10)

Friday: Power and vertical jump training

  • Seated calf raises (4 sets of 12)

  • Leg press (4 sets of 12)

  • Leg curls (3 sets of 10)

  • Barbell squats (3 sets of 10)

Saturday: Resistance and cardio training

On Saturday, LeBron likes to practice resistance and cardio exercises. The athlete chooses to run outdoors, ride a bike, swim or use the treadmill to improve their cardiovascular endurance.

Sunday: Rest

Despite knowing that physical exercise is important, LeBron also knows that the body needs rest to recover. On this day, the athlete concentrates to recharge his energies and prepare physically and mentally for the week that follows intense training.


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