Summer Brings Warmth, But Also Brings Disadvantages To Your Health

Summer is one of the most desired seasons, as it brings with it vacation, heat and the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities. Despite this, summer also brings with it some disadvantages to your health and it is important to prevent.

One of the main problems of summer is excessive exposure to the sun. Solar radiation causes sunburn, accelerates skin ageing and increases the risk of skin cancer. To protect yourself from these risks inherent in summer, it is important to regularly apply sunscreen, wear protective clothing such as hats and sunglasses, and avoid exposure to the sun at peak hours.

Dehydration is another of the problems that heat brings with it. The intense summer heat can lead to dehydration, as the body loses liquids faster. You should drink plenty of water and regularly throughout the day. You should avoid consuming alcoholic or sugary drinks, as they can aggravate the state of dehydration. If you are practising outdoor activities, you should drink a larger and even more regular amount of water to compensate for sweat loss.

During the hot weather, there is the proliferation of insects, such as mosquitoes and ticks, carriers of diseases such as dengue, Zika and yellow fever. To avoid being bitten, use insect repellents and avoid areas with great proliferation of these insects. In addition, try to avoid having containers in your home with stagnant water, as this helps in the proliferation of mosquitoes.

It may not seem so, but during the summer there is an increase in the number of food poisonings and it is all due to the fact that heat helps in the proliferation of bacteria in poorly stored or inadequately prepared foods. You should wash your hands thoroughly before handling food, leave perishable food exposed to heat and ensure that food is cooked properly.

May have a higher peak in spring, in summer there is a sharp increase in air pollution, allergens such as pollen and dust, as well as the high proliferation of fungi and mites in hot and humid environments. If you suffer from respiratory diseases such as asthma, it is important to take precautions, such as avoiding exposure to areas with high levels of air pollution, keeping the house well ventilated and following medical recommendations.


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