You made a mistake and got the weight on your conscience. Know that making mistakes is human and is part of life

Making mistakes is something human, it is part of our whole life, and it is with mistakes that we learn most of the time. So don't worry too much about a mistake you made no matter how harmful it may have been. Draw your own conclusions from this mistake and learn how to adopt a new attitude towards a similar situation in the future.

A disciple asks the wise man how he does to become like him, a wise man. The wise man's answer is: good choices! The apprentice without understanding what the wise man says asks: and how to make good choices? To which the wise man responds: with a lot of experience. The disciple without understanding yet how to become a wise man asks again: how to make good choices? To what the wise man says: bad choices.

Life is a succession of encounters and disagreements and is full of situations in which we will make mistakes. As humans that we are, we will inevitably make wrong decisions, which lead us to repentance. What remains in our conscience is a feeling of guilt. The feeling of guilt is the worst feeling that the human being can face, because is able to take sleep away and cause gastrointestinal problems and headaches.

It may be the fault of what we did, as well as what we didn't do. The way out of this process of guilt is self-acceptance and self-love in the first place. We present ways to deal with this feeling of guilt, because all human beings make mistakes at some point in their lives.

1- There is no one perfect

There is no one in the world who does everything right, no matter how hard you try. Nothing in life is under our control, no matter how hard we try to do everything right. It may seem that the attitude at that moment was the most correct, but then in the future it will be seen as a mistake. What should you do when you make a mistake? He must have the ability to forgive himself, to accept that he made a mistake and get rid of guilt.

2- Share with a friend what you feel

We are invaded by a feeling of guilt, because we should have done this or that and we didn't do it at that moment. Identify this feeling and share what you feel with a friend. Talk to someone and express what you feel. Don't keep the bad things to yourself.

3- It's not your fault. There is responsibility!

Since childhood you have learned that you should feel guilty when something you do is wrong. In adulthood, when we make mistakes, this feeling of guilt is aroused, which generates pain. Instead of trying to learn from a mistake, we regret it and ended up spending energy feeling bad. Change the word guilt for responsibility. Responsibility is our choice, which brings positive emotions, because it is the feeling that we are fulfilling something, performing actions and being the protagonists of our own story. Guilt is nothing more than a negative feeling that paralyzes us in time.

4- Face mistakes as learning

There is no more correct way to learn other than from mistakes. Try to accept yourself as you are, that is, with the mistakes you make. If you want, you can repeat this sentence to yourself several times: "I accept myself as I am and everything that happens serves for me to learn".

5- Use the humorous being

Using a sense of humor can be a good way to cure the anger we feel about ourselves when we make mistakes. "Leasing one's own misfortune is the best medicine" couldn't be more correct. The logic is as follows: after making a mistake, wait a few minutes; after recovering, react humorously to the situation. Our psychology hates feeling ashamed, so accepting what happened without self-discrimination helps us to improve our well-being.

6- Blame the blame

It is normal for negative thoughts and guilt to weigh us on our conscience. A good technique to remove this guilt is to write everything that bothers you on a paper, trying to be as detailed as possible. After that, throw the paper away, burn it or tear the paper. This attitude is psychologically understood as a cleaning for our mind.


Mike Cessario is a marketing genius


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