Almost half of the population of the European Union does not exercise

The most recent Eurobarometer survey on physical exercise concluded that almost half of the population living in the richest economic bloc in the world does not engage in any moderate physical activity. 45% of the population says they never play sports or exercise.

The WHO advises regular moderate physical exercise of at least two hours and thirty minutes per week. If Europeans complied with this minimum established by the highest health agency, more than 10,000 deaths would be avoided every year, the OECD also reveals.

The list of countries that practice the least physical exercise can be found below (results 2022):

  1. Portugal - 75%

  2. Greece - 68%

  3. Poland - 65%

  4. Romania - 62%

  5. Bulgaria - 61%

  6. Hungary - 59%

  7. Italy - 56%

  8. Lithuania - 53%

  9. Spain - 47%

Source Eurobarometer / 2022 | Results in %


Shayne Jansen, star of "Love is Blind", got in shape in 1 year


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