Glen Powell’s workout routine to be a fitness magazine cover

Glen Powell was on the cover of a magazine in the December 2023 issue of Men's Health. The American magazine shares the actor's training routine.

DAY 1 - Arms, abs and shoulders

INSTRUCTIONS: Make 4 sets of this circuit. Minimal rest between the sets.

  • Hanging Leg Lifting (make 10 to 12)

  • Decline Crunch (make 10 to 12)

  • Side aerial cable crunch (make 8 to 10 per side)

  • Side board hip sauce (make 10 to 12 per side)

  • Stability Ball Pick (do 8 to 10)

Arm circuit

INSTRUCTIONS: Do the exercises in order. Rest from 90 to 120 seconds between each set. Make 3 sets.

Hammer grip cable winding (make 10 to 12)

  • Refuse the EZ Bar Triceps Extension (do 10 to 12)

  • Slope Ondo (do 10 to 12)

  • Rope extension (do 10 to 12)

Shoulder circuit

INSTRUCTIONS: Do the exercises in order. Rest from 90 to 120 seconds between each set. Make 3 sets.

  • Lateral Increase Crossed By Cable (do 10 to 12)

  • Reverse EZ bar pulse wave (make 12 to 15)

  • Standing Cable Fly Reverse (do 12 to 15)

DAY 2 - Upper body (chest and back)

Triset 1

INSTRUCTIONS: Do the exercises in order. Make 4 sets. Rest from 90 to 120 seconds between each round.

  • Single Arm Straight Arm Pulldown (do 10 to 12 per side)

  • Ring pullup (do as much as possible)

  • Inclined Bench (make 10 to 12)

Superset 2

INSTRUCTIONS: Do the exercises in order. Make 3 sets. Rest from 90 to 120 seconds between each round.

  • Single Arm Cable Low Line (do 10 to 12)

  • Partner-Assisted Tilt Fly (do 6 to 8)

DAY 3 - Legs/Conditioning

Triset 1

INSTRUCTIONS: Do the exercises in order. Make 3 sets. Rest 90-120 seconds between rounds.

  • Leg Extension (do 10 to 12)

  • Leg Wave (do 10 to 12)

  • Lunge Walk (repeat this process for 10 yards)

  • Sled drag (20 yards; add a 45-pound plate and add weight until you don't move the sled; start by unloading one plate at a time until the sled is light; rest for 20 seconds and go back to the beginning)

  • Work on the treadmill (run at maximum speed for 10 to 15 seconds; rest for 30 to 45 seconds; do this exercise for 10 to 15 minutes; if you can't do it anymore, end the exercise)


This bodybuilder shows that it is possible to maintain an enviable physique without going to the gym


Glen Powell is the star of the moment, but the focus is on staying in his best possible shape