It's cheap, it's a cereal and you can easily find it for sale. The food that relieves stomach problems

This cereal serves as a side dish for many of the meals we eat. It can be served in more elaborate or even simple dishes. What few people know is that rice has numerous health benefits when you consume the recommended doses. Some people refuse to eat it or exchange it for more complete versions for fear of gaining weight, however this does not happen. No food makes you fat, by itself.

Because it is low in fiber, this food is ideal for those suffering from stomach problems. Also great for celiacs, since rice has no gluten in its composition.

How to prepare rice to help with your stomach problems?

Start by sewing 50 grams of rice with a pinch of salt. When it is cooked, put the rice in a food crusher and add 1 liter of water. Grind everything at full speed for 3 minutes. You can repeat this process as many times as you want until it becomes as liquid as possible. With a strainer remove the pulp and store the water obtained. This water should be consumed to relieve stomach problems. You can store the rest in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days.


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