Zac Efron's exercise and diet for a pumped physique in Baywatch

You must have already watched the movie Baywatch - the latest or the oldest version - and repaired in toned bodies and in red bathing suits on the beach.

The older version featured toned bodies by David Hasselhoff and David Charvet. The latest version seems to display even more toned bodies and fully ready to help with any emergency on the beach.

Let's talk about Zac Efron's fully toned body in the movie.

Murphy is a Los Angeles coach and was responsible for leaving Zac Efron with that sculpted body like a Roman statue. His intense and effective exercises inspired many people to want to follow the diet and exercise program he designed for Efron.

"Efron's 'Baywatch' movie training program involved a constantly changing approach, involving full body exercises, two-day divisions, three-day divisions, strength training, strength training, stability and balance training, lifeguard training, hiking, cycling, obstacle course training and much more," says Murphy.

This training is intense. If you follow it exactly as defined, you will complete 720 repetitions, not including warm-up. Yes, you read this correctly.

Fitness level

  • Beginner: Perform 2 rounds per exercise

  • Intermediate to advanced: Perform 3 rounds

  • Fitness fanatics: Do 4 rounds

Although it is great to want to be in better shape, it makes no sense to compare your body with that of a famous actor. That's why we suggest that you use this as a guideline to make the most of your exercises, which will help you feel healthier and stronger.

The intense training

  • Full body workout 10-20 drop-set

What to do: Do 10 repetitions of the exercise with a slightly challenging weight. Then use half the weight for 20 repetitions.

For example:

10 side augmentation repetitions with 10-pound dumbbells

20 repetitions of side increases with 5-pound dumbbells

  • Dynamic heating

    1. Wall press

To do:

Keep your hands on a wall, more than the width of your shoulders.

Lower your chest towards the wall to perform a bending movement.

2. Standing leg swings

To do:

Stand next to a wall or other surface on which you can put your hand to balance.

With your feet apart at the width of the hip, keep 1 foot on the ground and swing the opposite leg back and forth.

Repeat on the opposite side.

3. Alternating the reverse lung with the rotation of the trunk

To do:

Keep your feet apart in the width of your hip.

Move away with your left foot and lower your left knee almost to the ground.

At the bottom of the movement, rotate the trunk over the right leg.

Return to the center, press your right foot on the floor and step on your left leg forward to return to the starting position.

4. Hip stretching with torso

To do:

Keep your feet together. Move your left foot away about 3 feet away from your right foot.

Put your right hand on your hip. Raise your left hand and twist your trunk until you feel a slight stretch in your left hip.

Return to the starting position and change the sides. You can also do this stretching from a kneeling position.

  • Drop sets

    1. Exercise #1

10 Dumbbell lateral raises

20 Dumbbell lateral raises (with half the weight)

Complete 4 rounds, resting for 90 seconds after each round

To do:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing in.

Raise your arms out to the sides until they reach shoulder level. Pause.

Lower the weights to the starting position.

2. Exercise #2

10 Kettlebell squats

20 Kettlebell squats (with half the weight)

Complete 4 rounds, resting for 90 seconds after each round

To do:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly out.

Grab the handle of the kettlebell with both hands. Hold it in front of your chest, close to your body.

Lower to a squat position, holding the kettlebell close to your chest.

Pause at the bottom. Press up to the starting position.

3. Exercise #3

10 Floor dumbbell chest presses

20 Floor dumbbell chest presses (with half the weight)

Complete 4 rounds, resting for 90 seconds after each round

To do:

Lay on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your knees and extend your elbows to a 90-degree position. The backs of your arms will rest on the floor.

While holding the dumbbells over your chest, press up.

Pause at the top. Lower the weights to the starting position.

4. Exercise #4

10 Dumbbell stiff-leg deadlifts

20 Dumbbell stiff-leg deadlifts (with half the weight)

Complete 4 rounds, resting for 90 seconds after each round

To do:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a dumbbell in each hand, arms in front of your thighs.

Bend your knees slightly. Bend at the hips until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Pause.

Make sure your glutes are contracting as you drive up to the starting position.

Keep your core engaged during the entire movement.

5. Exercise #5

10 Incline bench dumbbell rows

20 Incline bench dumbbell rows (with half the weight)

Complete 4 rounds, resting for 90 seconds after each round

To do:

Lie facedown on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Your chest will press against the bench, and your arms will hang down.

Pull the dumbbells up toward your chest. At the top of the movement, squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Lower to the starting position.

6. Exercise #6

10 Cable AB crunches from knees

20 Cable AB crunches from knees (with half the weight)

Complete 4 rounds, resting for 90 seconds after each round

To do:

Kneel below a cable machine. Attach a rope to a high pulley.

Grab the rope and crunch your body, bringing your forearms down to your knees and your head to the floor.

Pause. Return to the starting position.

Keep your body slow and in control during the entire movement.

The formula

The three-day split focused on back and biceps on day one, legs on day two, and shoulders, chest, and arms on day three. He also trained his abs throughout the week.

  • Day 1: Back and biceps—this includes eight exercises, such as:

straight-arm pulldowns

ab rollouts

seated cable rows

  • Day 2: Legs—this includes 10 exercises, such as:

leg presses

squat jumps

kick butts

mountain climbers with slides

  • Day 3: Shoulders, chest and arms—this includes 10 exercises, such as:


cable chest flyes

dumbbell squat front raises

The eating plan

Efron eats an extremely nutritious diet. Murphy has him dialed into a whole-foods diet, which means he stays far away from highly refined, processed foods.

  • Yes to brown rice, but no to brown rice pasta

  • Yes to quinoa, but no to quinoa crackers

  • Yes to apples, but no to apple juice

Typically, a whole-foods diet, especially one used to fuel a fitness plan, will include:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables

  • lean sources of protein

  • complex carbohydrates

  • healthy sources of fat

Important cautions

It’s a good idea to assess your current fitness level. Jumping into an intensive program without working up to it can lead to injuries and burnout.

If you’re new to exercise, you might want to talk to an exercise expert to discuss the smartest way to go about building up to the program.

You may also want to speak with your doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any preexisting conditions, injuries, or limitations that may be exacerbated by working out.


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