How Chris Evans became even more fit in Captain America

Chris Evans, the actor who plays Captain America, highlighted an incredible superhero physique after gaining several kilos of muscle to play the hero of this film, which is rumored to be the last role of the actor as Avengers.

For Evans, it took months of intense training and a strict protein-rich diet with a good distribution of macronutrients to gain the necessary tens of kilos and realistically play as a character able to compete with the other Avengers: Thor, Hulk and Iron Man.

To get the look he wanted for this role, Evans, who is thin in nature, spent several months in the gym to gain weight using a variety of exercises to not only build muscle but also be agile and fast.

Evans explains: "The preparation for Captain America was really focused on mass gain and therefore was based on weight training to become massive. The training program was essentially composed of basic polyarticular movement with heavy loads and few repetitions. I did squats, earth lifts, shoulder presses, developed on an inclined bench, dips and tractions at the helm.”

If we look at the strengths that Chris Evans has developed in order to transform his physique, the first thing we notice is the development of his pectorals.

To continue with Evans' incredible upper body, you can see a massive and wide back that completes the perfect superhero physique by creating perfect muscle symmetry.

"We solicit two muscle groups at each session, whether they are pectorals and triceps or back and biceps, and my muscles were literally destroyed for just over two hours. Then, it was a return to calm with the work of the abdominals. I would also work with different angles and sockets. For example, for pectorals I made inclined developed tight grip, inclined gaps and inclined pumps. Then, I sometimes did developed shoulder to knee sometimes, to incorporate more abdominals.”

"From Monday to Friday, we solicited the different parts of the body. Saturday was my day of rest, then Sunday, if there was something that required extra work and if I didn't feel particularly tired, then I did a muscle reminder. Exercises were also mixed with free weights with those with body weight. I did a lot of weighted tractions with different grips, weighted dips, pumps with weight discs on my back. Simple but effective exercises, basically from classic to body weight and bodybuilding tips.”.

The daily training


Developed lying at the bar: 10/8/6/5/4 (increase weight with each series)

Developed inclined at dumbbells: 4 X 6

Ecarté couché: 4 X 8

Pumps with disc on the back: 3 X Max rep

Developed tightly lying at dumbbells: 4 X 6

Bar at the forehead: 4 X 6

Hand-tight pumps on bench: 3 X Max rep


Groundlift: 5X5

Weighted traction: 5X5

One arm swings with Kettlebell: 4 X 6

kettlebell renegade rowing: 4 X 8

Weighted tight supination taken tenactions: 4 X 6

Curl standing bar: 4 X 6

Curl with dumbbells lying on an inclined bench: 4 X 8


Squats 10/8/6/5/4 (increase weight with each series)

Bulgarian squat 4 X 6

Front box jump 4 X 8

Leg extension 4 X 8

Raised Romanian soil 5X5

Leg Curl 4 X 8

Wheel movements 3 x 6


Military developed: 5 X 5

One-Arm Kettlebell Swings: 4 X 6

Kettlebell Sumo High Sweater: 4 X 6

Kettlebell Thruster: 4 X 6

Lateral elevations: 4 X 8

Weighted dips: 4 X 6

Slammed pumps: 4 X 8


Developed inclined at the bar: 10/8/6/5/4 (increase the weight with each series)

Developed lying down at dumbbells: 4 X 6

Weighted traction: 5 X 5

Raised from earth: 5 X 5

Developed inclined to dumbbells tight grip: 4 X 8

Curl standing bar at the bar: 4 X 8

Evans explains: "Honestly, for Captain America, I didn't do much cardio training because I wasn't looking to lose weight, on the contrary, it was about building muscle above all. It is therefore muscle work with heavy loads. We could do a few sprints just to be sure to keep a good physical condition, but that's about it, honestly, we warmed up and did HIIT for 10 to 15 minutes.”


Lou Ferrigno's training to be the Incredible Hulk


David Harbour's impressive physique in Hellboy