Arnold Schwarzenegger Is An Influence In The Fitness World

In an interview with Men's Health magazine, Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about physical and mental health. The former Hollywood bodybuilder discussed the importance of mental and physical health when sharing personal experiences and offered advice on how to lead a healthier and happier life.

Schwarzenegger's daily workout routine includes walking, cycling and bodybuilding. He emphasises the importance of staying active, not only to maintain good physical but also mental health. "When you exercise, you feel good," he begins by saying. "This raises your mood and helps fight stress and anxiety."

Schwarzenegger's diet consists of healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables and lean proteins. For Schwarzenegger, healthy eating is as important as physical exercise. Both should be practised regularly to stay healthy.

Mental health is something very important for Schwarzenegger. The former bodybuilder talked about the difficult moments he faced in his life, including the heart surgery he suffered in 2018. For Schwarzenegger, mental health is important and when we think we are not well, we should always seek help. "There is nothing wrong with asking for help," he says. "We all need help at some point, and it's important to have people we can trust."

The key to a successful life, according to Schwarzenegger, is to be disciplined and consistent with your healthy habits. "If you want to succeed in anything in life, you need to be disciplined," he said. "This applies both to health and to anything else."


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