Father Rafael Capo: The Father who Combines Faith with Fitness

Father Rafael Capo is not your typical Catholic priest. At 51, he merges his deep faith with a strong commitment to physical fitness, particularly bodybuilding, to engage with the youth and bring them closer to the church. Based in the Archdiocese of Miami, Father Capo has utilized his passion for fitness as a unique ministry tool, reaching out to young people who might not otherwise feel connected to their faith. His approach is based on the belief that sports and fitness can serve as a gateway to deeper spiritual conversations and connections.

Appointed as the Vice President of Mission at St. Thomas University in Miami Gardens, Father Capo brings a wealth of experience from his roles, including directing the U.S. Bishops Southeast Regional Office for Hispanic Ministry and its Southeast Pastoral Institute (SEPI). His work is aimed at promoting the Catholic mission and values within the university, responding to the U.S. Church's call for leadership formation in a culturally diverse context, and addressing the needs of the increasing number of young Catholic Latinos.

Father Capo's journey into bodybuilding began in high school in Puerto Rico as a means to enhance his performance in track and field. This interest in fitness eventually intertwined with his spirituality, leading him to develop a "theology of fitness and spirituality." He emphasizes the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit and sees physical fitness as integral to ministry, life, and serving in God's kingdom. Despite a busy schedule, he maintains a rigorous workout routine, incorporating weightlifting and cardio, and often uses his personal fitness journey to inspire others on social media, where he has amassed nearly 40,000 followers.

Father Capo's innovative ministry extends beyond the gym and social media. He was recognized by Catholic Relief Services with the Hispanic Heritage Partner Award for 2019, highlighting his efforts to engage and minister with Hispanics in Miami and throughout the Southeast Region of the U.S. This award celebrates his missionary actions and leadership, which have motivated many to live their faith in solidarity with those in need, both locally and globally.

His unique approach to ministry—combining faith with fitness and leveraging social media for evangelical purposes—has made Father Capo a figure of inspiration. He embodies the idea that maintaining physical fitness can enhance one's spiritual life and ministry, demonstrating how traditional religious roles can evolve to meet the needs and interests of today's youth.


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