Maxi Iglesias, "Toy Story" heartthrob, learned from life and leaves tips

The actor who enters the Toy Story saga is characterized by his maturity and professionalism. In addition to the representation, the actor takes time to dedicate himself to other projects.

The actor who crossed the barrier of 30 years, revealed how he feels in an interview: "When I'm 30 I'll do this or that; When I'm 30, I'm sure I'll have realized this or that dream...". So yes, I went through this moment of making an introspection, a balance sheet and seeing what is yet to come, the goals I still want to fulfill...”, he said.

Many times in life we may be afraid to say that not because we fear the consequences, whether they are positive or negative that may appear, but in this plan the actor has an opinion: "Yes. I think it is important to know how to say no, regardless of what is done to live or the circumstance in which the refusal occurs. I also think it's important to know how to answer an authentic yes," he said.

At the age of 19, the actor left Spain and went to Australia to dedicate himself to himself: "That's when I realized how privileged he was to be able to dedicate myself to what he liked, but I also realized what that work implied. That trip was a way to find myself and say: "Now I know where I am. I know they're going to judge me. I know there will be envy. In a way, I found out that we will always be judged, no matter what we do... and that this is a problem of others, not ours,” he said.

"I believe in consistency and daily work. Because this is a job in which, if you don't fight, you don't get anything. Especially when you get to the top so quickly. When you're at the top, the easiest thing is to fall. But, anal, what is success? The success for someone may not be being on Jimmy Fallon's show, but with your dog. And for others it's the opposite," added the actor.

"Be happy and be relaxed with my dog and be called to the Jimmy Fallon program... and then continue to enjoy my dog and Jimmy Fallon, but without forgetting that I can perfectly be happy being alone with my dog," he concluded in an interview with Men's Health PT magazine.


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