Brazilian Actor Felt Relief After Assuming Being Homosexual

Brazilian actor Marcos Pitombo, a lover of sport, fitness and well-being, publicly assumed, at the age of 41, his loving relationship with marketing director Iasser Hamer Kaddourah. The actor says he finally managed to feel a relief for assuming what is and being able to act naturally without any kind of prejudice. "I started to allow myself to live small everyday situations like everyone else does. And naturalise affection and love."

"It would be wrong not to share [boyfriend's post]! This moment out ends up being idealised and feared by any LGBT person. In my case, it was unexpected, but at the same time it was a great time. A beautiful statement in the context of congratulations. I'm relieved, light and strengthened," the actor told the newspaper O Globo.

Known for having had several relationships with women, the actor talked about his opening to a new world for himself, which was happening little by little. "My process of discovery came along with the artistic career. I've been in other relationships, but maybe never in full."

The family is a very important point, just as the actor ended up revealing. "I've always had a welcome from my family. It is important for parents to love their children regardless of the projection they make for them. The lack of reception generates psychological and even emotional problems due to the fact that the person is not accepted as he is".

"I received a flood of positive messages of love. I armoured myself with a lot of humility and respect for the bad comments. I know there are people clinging to a backward thought. I learned that courage is not the absence of fear. It's doing what you have to do even with fear," said the actor, inspiring others to live a relaxed and relaxed life.


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