Women, travel, sex and drugs. Armie Hammer's life of suffering

Armie Hammer broke the silence two years after the accusations of sexual abuse and cannibalism. All this has shaken the actor's successful career, who now tries to clear his image of the mistakes made in the past.

The actor reveals that he had these extreme desires due to a problem he suffered in his childhood. At the age of 13, Armie claims that he was raped by a priest in an interview with Air Mail: "What this did for me was to introduce sexuality into my life in a way that was completely out of my control. I was powerless in that situation."

"Sexuality was presented to me in a frightening way in which I had no control. My interests have become: I want to have control over the situation, over sexuality," he added.

The actor thought about giving up his own life after these allegations and accusations: "I entered the ocean, swam as far as I could and expected him to drown me, or be run over by a boat, or eaten by a shark. Then I realized that my children were still on the beach and that I couldn't do that to them."

Father of 2 children, Armie was accused by several women of extreme sexual fantasies, sexual abuse and cannibalism. These accusations led the actor to be removed from several projects in Hollywood. Although he always denied these abuses, the actor admitted to being emotionally abusive.

"I was with these women, in their early 20s, while I was over 30. He was a successful actor at the time. They may have been happy just because they were with me and said yes to things they might not have said in another situation," he explained.

"He had a very intense and extreme lifestyle. I took these women for various trips, sex, drugs and great emotions. As soon as it finished, I would leave them and move on to the next woman, leaving that woman to feel abandoned or used," he admitted.

“I'm here to assume my mistakes, to take responsibility for the fact that I was an idiot, selfish, that I used people to make me feel better and, when I finished, I moved on. And I didn't treat people as they should have been treated," he also confessed.

"Now I'm a healthier, happier and more balanced person," he said. The actor began his rehabilitation in May 2021 because of his problems with drugs and alcohol.


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