Eight Foods That Contain More Protein Than An Egg

Eggs are at the top of the list of the main protein suppliers. This is not only due to the protein content, but to its high biological value. But what does biological value mean? The biological value indicates how well your body can use the protein from food and convert it into its own protein. The higher the biological value, the better. The eggs (gema + egg white = whole egg) are in the so-called a gold standard with the value of 100. For example, tuna reaches a value of 92, meat 84 and potatoes 76.

There are other foods that also have protein, however this value is lower with eggs. However, this does not automatically mean that the protein of lentils, potatoes and chickpeas is inferior or bad. It is important that you easily eat a balanced diet that integrates animal and plant foods on a daily basis. And do you know how to follow this smart combination? The double beef + potato reaches a value of 114 in the right proportion because the amino acids of both foods complement each other optimally.

After all, what are the foods that contain more protein than an egg? Peanuts or peanut butter. 100 grams of peanut butter contains 25g of protein. If you eat two tablespoons of peanut butter a day you absorb between 10 and 12 grams of extra protein. Another food is the lean curd. Other foods include: wholemeal pasta, oat flakes, almonds, lentils, granulated cream cheese and pumpkin seeds.


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