Do you remove the mold from a piece of a food?

If you remove the mold from that piece of fruit or other food, know that you are at serious health risks. Nutritionist Suemi Shimizu Soler explains why: "The mold is just the tip of the iceberg, that's because the fungus is already rooted and has already taken over the food! That's why it's no use removing only the moldy part, you need to discard all of it".

Fungi are known to produce toxins that are harmful to our health. Excessive consumption of food with fungi can increase the chances of developing the fungal syndrome of the intestine.

It is true that our intestine is full of fungi, however they are necessary for the normal functioning of our digestive system. There is a serious problem! Fungi are opportunistic and can proliferate excessively, thus causing the fungal syndrome. Stress, insomnia, nutritional deficiencies and the use of antibiotics can increase the chances of fungi proliferating out of control in your intestine.

As nutritionist Suemi recalls, many patients say that they have always eaten foods in which the mold has been removed and that they are in good health, but that is not true. The symptoms of the fungal syndrome may already be present in your intestine.

What are the main symptoms?

• Excessive desire for sweets and carbohydrates

• Recurrent fungal infections in the anus and genitals

• Scalp dandruff

• Lack of iron, zinc, vitamin B12, among others

• Skin and nail mycoses

• Stewed belly

• Constipation/recurrent diarrhea

• Dermatitis on the skin, acne and rosacea

• Irritability and bad mood

• Insomnia

• Joint pain

How to know if you possibly suffer from the fungal syndrome? According to nutritionist Suemi, you need to have 3 or more of the symptoms identified above.


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