Diego Sechi’s Dynamic Workout Routine

Diego Sechi, a renowned fitness model and bodybuilder, has a comprehensive and effective workout routine that reflects his dedication to building a well-rounded, muscular physique. His training regimen combines various exercises targeting different muscle groups, ensuring balanced muscle development and strength.

Chest Workout

Diego’s chest routine focuses on building strength and definition. It includes compound movements and isolation exercises to ensure thorough muscle engagement. A typical chest workout might look like this:

1. Incline Barbell Press: This exercise targets the upper chest, helping to build mass and strength.

2. Flat Bench Dumbbell Press: A staple in chest training, it focuses on overall chest development.

3. Cable Flyes: This isolation movement emphasizes the inner chest, enhancing definition.

4. Machine Press: Provides consistent tension throughout the movement, ensuring muscle fatigue and growth.

Shoulder Workout

For his shoulders, Diego uses a combination of pressing and lateral movements to develop size and symmetry:

1. Seated Dumbbell Press: A key exercise for overall shoulder mass.

2. Dumbbell Front Raises: Targets the front deltoids, adding to shoulder width and definition.

3. Cable Lateral Raises: Focuses on the side deltoids for broader shoulders.

4. Machine Press: Ensures stability and consistent muscle engagement .

Arm Workout

Diego’s arm workouts are designed to maximize bicep and tricep engagement:

1. EZ Bar Curl: Builds bicep mass and strength.

2. Cable Concentration Curl: Isolates the biceps for peak development.

3. Single Arm Tricep Extension with Dumbbell: Focuses on the triceps, ensuring balanced development.

4. Tricep Dips: A compound movement that builds overall tricep size and strength.

Leg Workout

Diego’s leg routine ensures complete lower body development, incorporating both compound and isolation exercises:

1. Barbell Squats: The foundation for leg strength and size.

2. Stiff Leg Deadlifts: Targets the hamstrings, enhancing muscle balance and definition.

3. Leg Extensions: Focuses on the quadriceps for detailed muscle definition.

4. Lying Hamstring Curls: Isolates the hamstrings, ensuring complete leg development.

Core Workout

For a strong and defined core, Diego incorporates:

1. Crunches-Alternating: Engages the entire core, enhancing muscle tone.

2. Incline Bench Russian Twist: Focuses on the obliques for a well-rounded core.

3. Hanging Knee Raises: Targets the lower abs, ensuring balanced core development.

General Fitness Philosophy

Diego believes in the importance of consistency, discipline, and a holistic approach to fitness. He maintains a rigorous training schedule without any days off, emphasizing the need for dedication and passion in achieving fitness goals. His workouts are often complemented by personalized nutrition plans, which he tailors to meet the specific needs of his clients and himself .

Diego Sechi’s workout routine is a testament to his commitment to fitness and his comprehensive approach to training. By following his regimen, one can work towards achieving a well-defined and muscular physique similar to Diego’s. For more detailed guidance and personalized plans, Diego offers online coaching through his platform.


David Rodriguez is an Icon on Fitness, Winning a Big Online Challenge


Diego Sechi: A Journey of Discipline and Ambition in Fitness